Saturday, December 12, 2009


Corporate Branding
Identity System
-Business Card

Direct Mailers
Post Cards
Website Development
Wayfinding Systems/ Environmental Design

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Hey everyone, please look this over and feel free to add anything.
We can finalize it when we proofread the presentation material.
Thanks!, Kate

Executive Summary
Ascend Inc. is a design firm located in New York City. They specialize in destination branding catering to the greater NYC area where the firm is stationed, also including cities and countries around the world. Projected profits encompass existing travel, hospitality and tourism clientele who seek a greater outreach. Ascend Inc. is committed to engaging travel businesses in attaining more clientele themselves while retaining a fresh image. According to our financial plan, we project to make profits by year three.

Brand Name & Service Positioning
(The one slogan or sentence the company is known)
Ascend Inc. “Let your business take off”

Situational Analysis

Segmentation & Target Market
(What the need is)
*see target market 10.25.09

Objectives & Goals

Marketing Tactics
*see Promotion

Implementation Plan & Action plan

Budget (Financial plans: include projections and historical data)
*see Financial info

Market Analysis (include industry analysis, target market and competition)
Our target market: Ascend Inc. proposes to design solutions within the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. We will utilize corporate identity, marketing, advertising, packaging, and exhibition design.

Through promotion and advertising, we will target customers in the NYC area. We also take clients from around the world as our team is well traveled and is able to meet with clients outside the NYC area. Ascend Inc. is unique given its team, its varied backgrounds and expansive knowledge of the travel and hospitality industry. Within Ascend, we speak numerous languages and therefore out win similar firms within the NYC area that do not have the vast language proficiency.

Service Analysis
Ascend Inc represent clients in three main areas of branding: those who need an identity, those that are interested in re-branding and keeping their image current, and those that would like it to improve.

•Efforts directed at several highly defined groups of prospects.
•Maintaining close contact with customers and prospects with known buying preferences, habits and activities.

Invest in test market analysis through a specialty firm.
Image marketing
Niche marketing
Relationship marketing
Lifestyle marketing
Target marketing

Marketing Goals
*See data for Market Research

Marketing Message
From 10.25.09

Revised Target Market
* Groups that do not have strong identities
* Countries that do not have a well defined or strong tourism board. They may need help enticing people to visit their countries.
* Hotels within these countries that want a more luxurious, funky, fresh, etc. look
* Transportation such as planes, cruise ships, or buses
* Travel agencies - online such as Expedia, or local groups

Refined Target Market, as agreed upon last meeting (Oct. 27)
Organizations within the travel, tourism, hospitality industries, and destinations that
1) Do not have a brand identity
2) Have an existing brand identity that is weak or ineffective (bad)
3) Require design executions that further complement/supplement an existing strong identity.

Ascend, Inc. has the capacity to:
1) Create a brand identity for the organization, which will be
2) Strong, memorable, and impactful
3) Representing the value of the organization in all its possible executions

7 P’s

-Price: What we charge our customers.
Our hourly rate is $100/hour. Once we figured our costs, we rounded up to get our hourly rate to in order to stay competitive in the market.

-Place: Where and how a service of product is sold or offered (Another way of saying distribution)

Ascend is based in NYC and this is where most of the work is completed. When the opportunity arises, we can travel to clients who don’t live in the area, or live out of state or country. We try to utilize video conferencing when possible but if the client meetings are not in the NYC office, the client pays for Ascends travel expenses. The costs are figured into the estimates from the start.

-Promotion: Advertising & Promotion, PR, direct marketing, word of mouth, websites, and any and every way to get noticed.
*see Promotion

-Product: What we sell - the goods, the services and everything in between (be aware that there are very few products that are purely goods or purely service). Here we need to consider everything that makes up our product or product range, from the core benefits to the add-ons and variations.

Ascend offers corporate solutions in the travel and hospitality industries. Our firm is focusing on encouraging people and companies to travel. We create guidebooks, brochures, travel campaigns and promotion ads for hotels, destinations and resorts.

-People: Everybody involved in transactions - principally, the customers and the front-line staff. Particularly important for services, e.g., the quality of a haircut (as a service) is determined largely by the person doing the cutting.

Ascend consists of an Executive Creative Director who is responsible for leading creative strategies and vision for client accounts. The Executive Creative Director is responsible for the operations and execution of the Creative Department, while overseeing development of Creative Department process, methodology, deliverables and budget. This individual is also responsible for recruiting, managing and grooming all designers, and for leading the department to creative solutions that fulfill client objectives and Company creative vision. The Executive Creative Director will facilitate working groups through strong interpersonal, monitoring, and team-building skills. Alongside is the Executive Creative for Marketing, who is responsible for leading marketing strategy and vision on client accounts for our firm. The Executive Creative Marketing is responsible for the operations and execution of the Marketing Department, while overseeing development of Marketing Department process, methodology, deliverables and budget. This individual is also responsible for recruiting, managing and grooming all sales staff. We have a Graphic Designer responsible for coming up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem. The designer should use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems. The designer needs to confer with clients to discuss and determine layout design, so they can clearly prepare notes and instructions for workers who assemble and prepare final layouts for printing. The main goal is to always create designs, concepts, and sample layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic design concepts.

Then we have a Strategic Sales person responsible for convincing others to buy services and otherwise change their minds or actions. The individual must strategically through observing, receiving, and obtaining information from all relevant sources. The individual needs to communicate with people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. The information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail. The Administrator is responsible for clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records, stenography and transcription, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology. Individual needs to have principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. And finally, the Intern who is responsible for supporting the individuals that are in their department.

Our clients range from the travel, tourism and hospitality industries, such as airlines hotels and resorts. They come to us for corporate branding, elevating their already existing campaigns or volumizing campaigns that need reenergizing.

-Physical Evidence: The napkins at the restaurant table, the reports consultants provide and the uniforms of the airplane flight attendants all give us clues about the service we are consuming. The bits of “evidence” that we give a customer help overcome the intangible nature of services and give them a true appreciation of the value of the service being provided.

When initially meeting with clients, we leave them with a brochure of our services to remind them who we are and what we can do for them. They can use this to compare if they are getting a few estimates. In addition, we to also give an estimate of our potential services for the job they need completed. This clearly defines the work we will do and what it will cost them. Our prices are in the competitive market range, which they can see when comparing estimates. The contract proposal clarifies any questions the client may have about services rendered.

-Process: The processes used to make and deliver a product. Again, particularly important for services where the product is produced and consumed at the same time

Our design process is the same for each client. We first research and find out about the client and their business needs. We look at their competition and what can make them stand out in their market. After the initial research, we organize the findings and present it to the client for their approval. We add and update this research in a second meeting. After that, we define all elements that can be utilized for the client to reach their goal. Along with this, we show one to three design directions we think would work. Once the client has decided on a direction, Ascend generates the necessary information into a more completed design. After the clients signs off and gives the go ahead, we finalize all aspects. Execution and delivery are the final step.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


JOB #:

THIS AGREEMENT is made this <> day of <>, <> by and between Ascend Inc. (“Designers”) and <> (“Customer”).

Contact Name ________________________________________

Phone _____________________ FAX_____________________

Company/Client ______________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

City ____________________ State ____ ZIP ____ Country ___

E-mail address _______________________________________

Terms and Agreements

In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, Customer and Designers hereby agree as follows:

1. Description of the Project (“Specifications”).

Designers agree to develop the Project according to the terms listed on Exhibit B attached here to.

2. Additional Editing and Changes.

Any requested changes to the Specifications shall constitute additional editing and incur additional charges or fees. Additional charges for editing and changes shall be billed at <> per hour. All additional changes must be submitted and approved by both parties in writing by approved Contract Change form.

3. Delivery of Project.

Designers will use all reasonable efforts in the development of the Project and endeavor to complete and deliver to Customer all files, media and materials related to the Project no later than <> by an approved party provided that payment and all requested instructions and material have been received by Designers from Customer. Any delay in the completion of the Project due to actions or negligence of Customer, transportation delays, illness, or circumstances outside the control of Designers may alter the delivery date. Designers will make reasonable effort to notify Customer of any delays to the estimated delivery date as soon as possible.

3.1 Proofs.

Proofs will be presented for Customer approval at each stage of development. If revisions are required, a request must be made when proofs are returned to Designers. Two (2) rounds of edits, based upon Customer’s feedback will constitute acceptable delivery unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both Designers and Customer. The total number of Proofs provided to Customer shall number <<>> unless otherwise determined in the Specifications.

3.2 Reproduction of Project. (Check all that apply)

Upon successful completion of all compensation terms and outstanding balances owed to Designers.

__ Customer is granted full and unlimited reproduction rights to the Project.

__ Customer is granted a one-time, limited use reproduction right for the Project in exchange for the compensation paid to Designers. The Project shall not be reproduced in any format without the written consent of Designers.

__ Designers retain the right to reproduce the Project in any form for marketing, future publications, competitions or other promotional uses. Designers shall at no time reproduce the Project for use in commercial means or for-profit use.

4. Ownership of Artwork and Source Files.

Except for Customer’s Proprietary Material (defined below) contained in the Project, Designers shall hold all right, title, and interest in all original artwork, whether in draft, mock-up, concept or final development for the Project. Specifically, but without limitation, Designers shall hold all right, title, and interest in and to (1) all text, graphics or digital components of the Project (the “Content”), (2) all layouts, logos, structures or arrangements or other components of any materials presented to Customer that comprises the Project, (3) all literal and nonliteral expressions of ideas that operate, cause, create, direct, manipulate, access, or otherwise affect the Content, and (4) all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual or industrial property rights in the Project or any component or characteristic thereof. Customer shall not do anything that may infringe upon or in any way undermine Designers’ right, title, and interest in the Project, as described in this Paragraph 4. Notwithstanding the above, Customer shall retain and, Designers shall have no proprietary rights whatsoever in all of Customer’s intellectual property rights in any and all text, images or other components and/or materials owned by Customer, or which Customer has the legal right to use, that are delivered to Designers, including but not limited to software, related documentation, Customer marketing material, logos, and tag lines (“Customer’s Proprietary Material”). Designers agree that they shall not use Customer’s Proprietary Material for any other purpose than those expressly set forth in this Agreement.

5. Compensation.

In return for the Projects that are completed and delivered under this Agreement and Exhibit B, Customer shall compensate Designers, pursuant to the terms of Exhibit A attached hereto. In the event Customer fails to make any of the payments referenced in Exhibit A by the deadline set forth in Exhibit A, Designers have the right, but are not obligated, to pursue any or all of the following remedies: (1) terminate the Agreement, (2) withhold all files, artwork, source, commitments or any other service to be performed by Designers for Customer, (3) bring legal action. Customer is fully responsible for all material costs as outlined in Exhibit A, and accepts responsibility for all additional material costs that Designers may incur in the development of this Project.

6. Confidentiality.

Customer and Designers acknowledge and agree that the Specifications and all other documents and information related to the development of the Project, excluding however, Customer’s Proprietary Material, (the “Confidential Information”) will constitute valuable trade secrets of Designers. Customer shall keep the Confidential Information in confidence and shall not, at any time during or after the term of this Agreement, without Designers’ prior written consent, disclose or otherwise make available to anyone, either directly or indirectly, all or any part of the Confidential Information.

7. Limited Warranty and Limitation on Damages.

Designers warrant the Project will conform to the Specifications. If the Project does not conform to the Specifications, Designers shall be responsible for the timely correction of the Project, at Designers’ sole expense and without charge to Customer, to bring the Project into conformance with the Specifications.

This warranty shall be the exclusive warranty available to Customer. Customer waives any other warranty, express or implied. Customer acknowledges that Designers are not responsible for the results obtained by Customer’s use of any part of the Project. Customer acknowledges that Designers are not responsible for fixing any problems, errors or omissions on the Project, once mass produced or after Customer has tested, proofed and approved the Project (“Sign off”) in writing. Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, Customer waives any claim for damages, direct or indirect, and agrees that its sole and exclusive remedy for damages (either in contract or tort) is the return of the consideration paid to Designers as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. This limited warranty shall become void and expire 30 days after Sign off has been obtained by Designers from Customer, or 30 days after the mass-production of the Project in any format.

8. Independent Contractor.

Designers are retained as independent contractors. Designers will be fully responsible for payment of their own income taxes on all compensation earned under this Agreement. Customer will not withhold or pay any income tax, social security tax, or any other payroll taxes on Designers’ behalf. Designers understand that they will not be entitled to any fringe benefits that Customer provides for its employees generally or to any statutory employment benefits, including without limitation worker’s compensation or unemployment insurance.

9. Availability of Materials, Logos, Graphics and other Collateral.

Customer agrees to make available to Designers, for Designers’ use in performing the services required by this Agreement, such graphical elements and materials as Customer and Designers may agree in writing for such purpose. Failure to provide Designers with Materials in the requested formats may result in additional delays or fees in addition to those stated in Exhibit A.

10. General Provisions.

10.1 Entire Agreement.

This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the parties related to the subject matter hereof. No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by all of the parties hereto.

10.2 Governing Law.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of <>. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in the <> County, <> Superior Court.

10.3 Binding Effect.

This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of Customer and Designers and their respective successors and assigns, provided that Designers shall not assign any of their obligations under this Agreement without Customer’s prior written consent.

10.4 Waiver.

The waiver by either party of any breach or failure to enforce any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time shall not in any way affect, limit, or waive such party’s right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance with every term and condition of this Agreement.

10.5 Good Faith.

Each party represents and warrants to the other that such party has acted in good faith, and agrees to continue to so act, in the negotiation, execution, delivery, performance, and any termination of this Agreement.

10.6 No Right to Assign.

Customer has no right to assign, sell, modify or otherwise alter the Project, except upon the express written advance approval of Designers, which consent can be withheld for any reason.

10.7 Right to Remove Project.

In the event Customer fails to make any of the payments set forth on Exhibit A within the time prescribed in Exhibit A, Designers have the right to immediately cease all work on the Project until payment in full is paid.

10.8 Indemnification.

Customer warrants that everything it gives Designers to include in the Project is legally owned or licensed to Customer. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Designers harmless from any and all claims brought by any third-party relating to Customer’s Proprietary Material provided by Customer to Designers including any and all demands, liabilities, losses, reasonable associated costs and claims including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of injury caused by Customer’s Proprietary Material supplied by Customer to Designers, copyright infringement, and defective products sold as a result of Customer’s distribution of the Project.

10.9 Use of Project for Promotional Purposes.

Customer grants Designers the right to use the Project for promotional purposes and/or to cross-link it with other marketing venues developed by Designers.

10.10 Right to Style or to Make Derivative Works.

Subject to Section 4 above, Designers have the exclusive rights in making any derivative similar works of the Project and any similarities between Customer’s Project and future projects constitutes Designer’s methods and style and shall remain the right of Designers.

10.11 Attorney’s Fees.

In the event any party to this Agreement employs an attorney to enforce any of the terms of the Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its actual reasonable attorney’s fees and reasonable associated costs, including expert witness fees.

10.12 Trademarks, Logos and other Intellectual Property Issues.

Customer is responsible for any Copyright or Trademark issues related to the creation and use of Project files by Customer. Customer shall be solely responsible for any Trademark or Copyright searches pertaining to the Project unless otherwise contracted for in the Specifications. Designers will not knowingly copy other rightfully trademarked or copyrighted material.


Each party represents and warrants that, on the date first written above, they are authorized to enter into this Agreement in entirety and duly bind their respective principals by their signature below:

EXECUTED as of the date first written above.

Ascend Inc.

By: ________________________________

Title: ______________________________

Date signed: _________________________


By: ________________________________

Title: _______________________________

Date signed: _________________________

Contact Name ________________________________________

Phone _____________________ FAX_____________________

Company/Client ______________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

City ____________________ State ____ ZIP ____ Country ___

E-mail address _______________________________________

Creative Brief Questionnaire

Creative Brief Questionnaire



JOB #:

Ask yourselves, What is the products...


Target Audience:


Customer or User Benefits

Support of Benefit Claims:


List of: Considerations | Preferences | Limitations

Distribution Considerations

Green Benefits

One Word, what is the essence of the product?